The following notes are meant to be supplementary sermon content to go along with the Why: Community sermon above.
Christ Modeled Community:
Jesus himself lived in community with His disciples, demonstrating close, supportive relationships.
Using Gifts for Common Good:
Believers are encouraged to use their spiritual gifts to serve one another and build up the church (1 Peter 4:10, Romans 12:4-8).
Effective Ministry:
Community allows for coordinated efforts in evangelism, discipleship, and charity (Ephesians 4:11-13).
Demonstrating Christ's Love:
Loving one another within the community is a powerful testimony of God’s love to the world (John 13:34-35).
Deep Relationships:
Genuine fellowship fosters deep, meaningful relationships that reflect the love and unity of the Trinity (1 John 1:7).
Shared Joy:
Community allows for shared joy and celebration in life's blessings and milestones (Romans 12:15).
Corporate Worship:
Gathering for worship magnifies the praise and adoration given to God (Psalm 34:3).
Our relationships are the criterion the world uses to judge whether our message is truthful - Christian community is the final apologetic (John 17:20-21).
RockPointe strives to provide a welcoming, family-friendly environment where people of all walks of life encounter the transforming power of a relationship with Jesus.
You will find RockPointe to be a place of imperfect, but genuine and authentic people seeking to glorify Jesus with their lives. Our hope is to point to the empowering grace of Jesus that transforms people to become impactful disciples for the kingdom of God.
The worship music is modern in style and highly gospel-centered in content. People are encouraged to passionately worship Jesus in “spirit and truth.” At RockPointe we value singing songs that are Christ-exalting and theologically rich.
We hold the Scriptures in high regard as the final authority in a person’s life. Messages at RockPointe are Christ-centered and will provide great insight as to what the Bible teaches about living your life for the glory of God. There is also a Family Room for parents to observe the services even while attending to their family needs.
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