Go beyond and get involved by serving the body here at RPC. There are opportunities for everyone to plug in!


SAY YES to the next generation! The heart of RockPointe Church is to love God with all that we are while making more and better followers of Christ. YOU can do just that when you SAY YES to the next generation by volunteering in RPC Kids or Student Ministry!

  • Adult Discipleship

    We are seeking DivorceCare support group facilitators - we are seeking a couple that has been divorced and is now in a solid Christ-like marriage. Our DivorceCare class is video-led and meets twice a year for 13 weeks. 

    Please email for more information. 

  • Preschool and Children's Ministry Volunteers

    Children’s Ministry at RockPointe Church provides many opportunities for volunteers to make a difference in the lives of children from birth through 5th grade. Building relationships, mentoring, and creating an environment that fosters a love for the Lord is what we are all about! Whether you like to be in front of large groups, be a part of the welcome team or work behind the scenes, Children’s Ministry has a place for you! 

    Email Leah for details.

  • Student Ministry

    Our heart as a ministry is to graduate students who are personally pursuing the Lord, connected to Christian community, and driven to make disciples. Small Group Leaders play a pivotal role in accomplishing this vision. Student Ministry small groups take place on Sunday mornings year round and on Wednesday nights from August to April. We would love for you to excerise your God given gifts, talents, and abilities through small group leadership over the next year.


  • Embrace Special Needs Ministry

    If you are 14 years of age or older and looking for a place to serve, Embrace (our Special Needs ministry), has a place for you!  We are looking for people who have a heart for supporting a child by being a “Buddy” who helps to mainstream the child into the class or who provides one on one assistance to more individualized needs.

    For more information about volunteering in this amazing ministry:

    - Contact Amy Kraus 

    - Complete a Special Needs Volunteer Application

  • Young Adult Ministry

    The Young Adult Ministry is for 18 to 24 year olds, but young adults of all ages are welcome. 

    If you have a heart to volunteer with this group, please contact

  • Women's Ministry

    RPC’s Women’s Ministry exists to encourage you in your faith, to equip you to stand firm in your beliefs, and to help you engage with your community and serve “the least of these.” 

    Please contact for volunteer opportunites.

  • Men's Ministry

    Critical to our mission as a church is to reach and equip men to become better husbands, fathers, and leaders within their community. Men Ministry exists to encourage and equip men from within our church and throughout our community to lead well in all areas of their life. 

    Please contact for volunteer opportunites.

  • Marriage Ministry

    There are many ways to serve within the Marriage Ministry.

    • Volunteers for Re|engage.
    • Married couples (including remarried couples) in solid, stable relationships (not perfect!) to be pre-marriage mentors. You won’t believe how fun it is to help get a couple started on a firm foundation for their most important earthly relationship! We will train and prepare you for the online relationship assessment and curriculum used. The curriculum is video-driven and extremely user-friendly. You only need to push “play” and be transparent with your personal experiences. Scheduling commitment is up to you and your availability and each mentored couple needs 4-8 sessions – these do not have to be weekly.
    • And so much more!

    Reach out to to find our more about volunteer positions.

  • Small Group Ministry

    We are looking for small group leaders to start and shepherd new small groups. We also need volunteers for light administrative duties, hospitality, and events. 

    If you are interested in becoming a small group leader, please visit our Start a Group webpage for more information.

    If you are interested in serving in other volunteer capacities, please email

  • Missions Ministry

    At RockPointe Church, mission is who we are, it’s not what we do. It’s engaging a life of serving each other, our neighbors, our community, and people across the globe. We invite the Holy Spirit to change us from the inside out while we live out the Good News of Jesus.

    Contact to see how and where you can help!

  • Care Team

    The Care Team exists to surround and support those in need of spiritual, emotional, relational and/or physical help. Our desire is to pray, encourage, build up, and remind those around us that God loves us, sees us, cares for us and is always with us. 

    To find out more about volunteer opportunites within the Care Team, reach out to

  • Welcome Team

    Welcome Desk Volunteers serve on Sunday mornings as their schedule allows. They arrive 15 minutes before the service and remain 15 minutes into the service.  This is a great way to connect and interact with folks. Welcome Desk volunteers would receive training from the Connections Director.

    Email for more information.

  • Ushers

    Our ushers help keep our services welcoming, orderly, and safe! One unique opportunity for our usher team is that they serve during our weekend worship services that they would already attend with their family. This is an excellent entry point to serving at RockPointe! Time commitment includes 15 minutes before service, the opening 10 minutes of service, and communion distribution.

    Email for more information.

  • Worship Team

    We are looking for experienced modern worship keyboard, base, and lead electric players to join our team. 

    If you are interested please contact to learn about our audition process.

  • Production Team

    Be part of the livestream experience! Help produce worship for in-person and online services by operating a camera, advancing song lyrics and sermon notes, or running the lighting show!

    Email for more information.

  • Photography Team

    Whether you’ve got a great eye and want to learn or you’re a pro with their own rig, we have a place for you. This is a great way to serve the Lord with your creative gifts through worship service, event, and baptism photography.

    Email for more information.

  • Health & Safety Team

    The heath and safety of our members and visitors from preschool all the way up through adulthood is something we take very seriously here at RockPointe. 

    Are you interested in helping out? Reach out to Gary Tyner to find out how!

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