Lent is the season leading up to Easter, when Christians imitate Jesus’ withdrawal to the wilderness. Christ was deprived of food, water and the daily comforts of life. Yet during this time of testing, Jesus was able to find strength in His Father. (Matt 4:1-11)
Lent is the period of time prior to Easter. This year RockPointe will begin on Monday, February 19 and end on Sunday, March 31.
We fast, or give up something we enjoy-that consumes time or distracts us from God-in order to grow in our personal relationship with Christ. RockPointe encourages you to consider what you may fast from as a sacrifice to your flesh, in order to feed the spirit. Seek the Lord as to what you might give up in order to focus more time on Him in prayer, reading the Bible, devotion and/or serving/giving to a mission or charity.
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