“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
- John 14:6
Growing up, I lived in a very rural area sometimes called the “sticks.” The back of our property led to a swamp that we frequently would go in on foot and by horse. We had a horse named Frank who was born a few years before me, and he had always lived in the back part of our property leading to the swamp. He knew the area so well that my father was never worried about me getting lost or hurt as long as I was with old Frank. I was told if Frank did not want to go in a certain direction, I should trust him, and if I were ever lost, I should simply let go of the reigns and Frank would bring me back home. I could trust Frank; there was not anywhere I could go that he had not already been a hundred times. Frank would take me where I needed to be. He was the only horse that ever had my full faith like that.
Jesus asks us to put our full faith in Him; to trust Him completely understanding He knows the way. In fact, in John chapter 14, Jesus says He is the way, the truth, and the life. He is the way. We don’t need to figure it out, wander around looking for the way to God, or try to figure it out on our own. We don’t need to remain lost. Jesus is the way. And Jesus is not saying that He is one of the ways to know God, He is saying He is the only way; HE is God! We can have full faith in Jesus as our savior and our salvation which is the only way to receive the life God has promised.
Do you believe that truth? Have you transferred your faith and trust to Jesus as your savior? Give up the reigns and trust the only one who can give you life everlasting. And if you know this truth, does your life reflect it? Do you let Him keep the reigns you have given or are you always trying to regain control? Relax your worries and release your struggles. Remember He knows how to bring you back home. You can trust Him.
Lord, I want to live a life of faith trusting You with the reigns. Show me where I need to release control and remind me You are faithful. You are the way, the truth, and the life, for which I am so thankful. May I live a life that shares this truth with others. Amen.
RockPointe strives to provide a welcoming, family-friendly environment where people of all walks of life encounter the transforming power of a relationship with Jesus.
You will find RockPointe to be a place of imperfect, but genuine and authentic people seeking to glorify Jesus with their lives. Our hope is to point to the empowering grace of Jesus that transforms people to become impactful disciples for the kingdom of God.
The worship music is modern in style and highly gospel-centered in content. People are encouraged to passionately worship Jesus in “spirit and truth.” At RockPointe we value singing songs that are Christ-exalting and theologically rich.
We hold the Scriptures in high regard as the final authority in a person’s life. Messages at RockPointe are Christ-centered and will provide great insight as to what the Bible teaches about living your life for the glory of God. There is also a Family Room for parents to observe the services even while attending to their family needs.
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