“Better is the end of a thing than its beginning, and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. Be not quick in your spirit to become angry, for anger lodges in the heart of fools."
- Ecclesiastes 7:8-9
The need for patience meets us afresh each day as we live within a fast-moving culture always orienting us toward the next thing. It is hard to be patient when we can have about anything we desire at the click of a button and culture values what we produce far more than who we are. Yet, this is the exact reason we must continually seek God before all else. This is the reason we are to dedicate time to Him daily and live in counter-cultural ways valuing relationships and character above production. When we engage in this way, we combat the ever-increasing speed of culture and instead place the focus on what matters most, relationship with God and others.
It is interesting to note the close correlation between impatience and anger here in Ecclesiastes. I know I tend to gravitate toward anger when I am overwhelmed; In those moments, I do not feel as though I have time to be patient, there is a need to be continually moving forward and anything additional is a hinderance. Yet, God calls us to a different type of living. He calls us to live a life in which our primary goal is to love God and love others, which requires an abundance of patience and control of our anger. When we lose track of the overall mission and purpose of our lives, we begin to drift into impatience, pride, anger, and foolishness. The reality is that we live in a culture that is continually orienting us toward such a drift. The beautiful thing is that we have the antidote in Jesus.
When we take time to connect with God and live in communion with Him, we quickly realize that we are not honoring Him if we produce more yet reflect Him less. I have never once in my life regretted taking the slower approach to conflict, but I have regretted reacting in anger or pride. We are called to a different way of living that is predicated upon relationships rather than results. May we live at a pace of grace in which we care more about how we honor God and treat others than what is produced.
Lord, thank You for Your patience even in the midst of my sin and foolishness. Thank You for extending grace when I least deserve it. Please capture my heart; may it reflect You well. Take my pride and anger and replace them with Your patience. May I be full of Your peace, grace, and wisdom. Amen.
RockPointe strives to provide a welcoming, family-friendly environment where people of all walks of life encounter the transforming power of a relationship with Jesus.
You will find RockPointe to be a place of imperfect, but genuine and authentic people seeking to glorify Jesus with their lives. Our hope is to point to the empowering grace of Jesus that transforms people to become impactful disciples for the kingdom of God.
The worship music is modern in style and highly gospel-centered in content. People are encouraged to passionately worship Jesus in “spirit and truth.” At RockPointe we value singing songs that are Christ-exalting and theologically rich.
We hold the Scriptures in high regard as the final authority in a person’s life. Messages at RockPointe are Christ-centered and will provide great insight as to what the Bible teaches about living your life for the glory of God. There is also a Family Room for parents to observe the services even while attending to their family needs.
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