In this survey, we will ask you 4 sets of questions in the categories of Believe, Belong, Become & Beyond. For each statement, please choose the answer from the dropdown that best describes the rate to which you agree with the statement.
1 of 4 (25%)
BELIEVE: How am I embracing the truth of God in my life today?
I set aside time daily to study the Bible so I can get to know God better and seek His will for my life.
I'm so aware of God's presence in my life, I can't help but be in ongoing conversation with Him throughout my day.
I know the character traits of God well enough to distinguish between His voice and other things I hear or think.
I find myself listening more and more for how the Holy Spirit might be prompting me to act.
My last five decisions demonstrate that my identity comes from Christ alone – not from my success, status, or what others might think.
2 of 4 (50%)
BECOME: How do I sense God transforming my heart and perspective?
I wake up every day remembering everything I have belongs to God and He has entrusted me to use it for His purposes.
I believe the main purpose of the church is to equip me to reach others, not just to provide activities I like.
My life demonstrates how I'm conforming myself to God, not expecting Him to conform to my desires.
I regularly ask God to convict me of areas in my life where I need to confess and repent.
I can describe the biblical steps I take to resolve conflict with people I may fear, dislike, criticize, or hold resentment toward.
3 of 4 (75%)
BELONG: How am I connecting more deeply with others in my church?
When I see or hear of someone who's hurting or in need, my immediate response is to stop what I'm doing to pray and consider how I might help.
I meet regularly with at least one godly person who holds me accountable and helps evaluate what God might be saying to me.
I consistently share my joys and struggles with a trusted group of Christ followers who encourage my spiritual growth.
I prioritize my RPC biblical community by meeting with them at least twice a month for Bible study, encouragement, and fun.
My church is not just a place I attend, but a place where I choose to serve faithfully with others.
4 of 4 (last one!)
BEYOND: How am I serving and multiplying God's kingdom?
I spend enough time with my five nearest neighbors to know what's going on in their lives.
I look for specific moments God gives me to share the hope of Jesus where I live, work, and play.
I prioritize meeting the needs of our community by regularly serving through RPC Local Missions (at least monthly).
I can describe how I'm freely and courageously trusting God with my finances by giving at least a tithe (10% or more).
I live out the gospel as an intentional disciple-maker who makes other disciple-makers.
Next Steps – Believe, Belong, Become, Beyond
Your assessment has shown your strengths and some areas to strengthen (the higher your score for a section, the stronger you are in that area). Take an area you’d like to strengthen and do some of the activities listed below to become a better follower of Christ.
BELONG: 0/25
I will embrace the truth of God in my life. (2 Timothy 3:15-17)