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Lifeline to Hope is a national and international “gold standard” 11-week lay caregiver training and certification program that utilizes content drawn from the Keys for Living Library at Hope for the Heart, alongside the 40 years of mental health and ministry experience of course designer and lead trainer, Dr. Eric Scalise, and co-facilitator Haley Scully. This training program was developed in partnership with June Hunt’s Hope for the Heart ministry.
Addiction, abuse, violence, grief and loss, depression and suicide, marital and family stress… these are only some of the problems that churches face today. This is an opportunity for you to serve as a critical “first responder” within our RockPointe community.
We are very excited that RockPointe Church is offering
Lifeline to Hope Caregiver
Training. The purpose of the training is to equip
lay leaders as competent biblical caregivers.
Lifeline to Hope
is a unique “first of its kind” resource to train people to effectively provide support, encouragement, and spiritual care –
connecting a life in need with a life in Christ!
Upon completion of the training, those interested in serving as a caregiver on behalf of RockPointe will go through a separate vetting and interview process. This process will be addressed throughout our training.
For questions, please email