About Your Family:
I married my hilarious, handsome, accountant husband in 2004. Nathan and I have two amazing boys, Ethan and Caleb.
What’s your story?
I grew up going to church and I was very involved in the church youth group as a teenager. During that time, I don’t think I ever really understood what it means to be a follower of Christ. I thought being a Christian just meant trying to be a good person. I completely abandoned my faith in college and went through some really dark times. During my early 20s I was invited to a bible study by some teachers I worked with and I learned so much about Jesus during that time. After Nathan and I got married we decided to try out the church that was next to our apartment complex. At this church we were warmly welcomed by some amazing people there who really helped us understand God’s love and grace. We both gave our lives to Christ and were baptized on the same day. We are so thankful to be part of the Rockpointe family and we hope to warmly share the amazing love of Christ with others as it was shared with us.
What’s something about you most people don’t know?
I rapped in front of my whole elementary school when I was running for student council. I can still remember how it started, “Here is a rap for all the classes, looking for a great secretary with glasses…” THANK GOODNESS smart phones didn’t exist then. I can’t imagine how much I would cringe if I had to see a video of that performance.
What is your trademark expression?
Choose joy!
Besides the Bible, what is something you’d recommend someone to read?
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis, The Life You’ve Always Wanted: Spiritual Disciplines for Ordinary People by John Ortberg
What are you most excited about?
Students, families and volunteers through our “Embrace” Special Needs ministry. Serving in this ministry is truly one of the greatest joys of my life.
What do you like to watch on TV?
The Office is probably my all-time favorite show. I also like reality TV and true crime shows.
What do you do in your free time?
I like listening to podcasts, reading, taking walks, doing Pilates, fishing, and watching movies with my family.