About Your Family:
I love my family! I think they are the best! We are a blended family which is so much fun! I have two older siblings, Kala and Trea, and one younger sister, Faith!
What is your story?
I was born in South Texas and moved to California where I spent the first years of my life. My family and I moved back to Texas, and we have lived here ever since! I knew of Jesus and went to church, but I never developed a personal relationship with Him because I put my identity in being an athlete rather than a child of God. In high school, I began to take my faith more seriously but had yet to understand how to depend on my faith during hard seasons of my life. It wasn’t until college I realized how much I was in desperate need of Jesus, His love, and comfort. Thankfully, I serve a merciful Father who placed the right people in my life at the right time who encouraged me and affirmed who I really am in Christ! Because of the people and relationships I have, I am able to stand here today and boldly proclaim my faith and show the love of Jesus!
What is something about you most people don't know?
I am extremely competitive. I make a competition out of everything!
What is your trademark expression?
"You know what sounds really good right now... a brownie with ice cream!"
Besides the Bible, what would you recommend reading?
I highly recommend Captivating (for the women) and Wild at Heart (for the men), by John and Stasi Eldredge.
What are you most excited about?
I am excited to see what the Lord has in store for RockPointe's future as we lean more towards being missional minded followers of Jesus!
What do you like to watch on TV?
I love rewatching movies. Some of my favorites are the Captain America sequels and Miracle.
What do you do in your free time?
When I do have free time, which is pretty rare, I love getting people together for a game night!