About Your Family
Married for 15 years, have two boys, Wyatt and Grant and a miniature poodle.
What’s your story?
I was born into a loving family and became a Christian and was baptized when I was 5 years old. My relationship with Jesus grew from there. When I look back, there is such a consistent theme of God always being there for me. Life’s hardships took a grip on me in my relationship with my husband. The Lord proved so faithful in showing me that He is good in all circumstances, even in the midst of the worst of my fears becoming reality. Today my husband and I both call Jesus our King and spend time in prayer together!
What’s something about you most people don’t know?
I was a flight attendant for 4 1/2 years and I’ve been to every state except for Wyoming & Alaska.
Besides the Bible, what is something you’d recommend someone to read?
I’m not a big reader, but the Esther Bible study by Beth Moore was very meaningful to me.
What are you most excited about?
Family vacations, Black Friday shopping, & going on dates.
What do you like to watch on TV?
Hallmark movies, Cheers, Spy movies, The Office.
What do you do in your free time?
Research my next vacation.