About Your Family
I met my handsome and talented guitar-playing mechanical engineer while serving on a worship team together. We were married in 2000, and Paul is still my guitar hero today! We have two amazing sons, Nate and Josh, through the incredible gift of foster care and adoption. Paul and I joined RockPointe while at Briarhill Middle School, and we met our precious baby boys because of families at RPC. Job loss and job change moved our family to North Carolina for four years (a few days after Josh’s adoption was finalized), and another job change brought us back home to Texas and to RockPointe in 2010.
What's your story?
I was blessed to be raised in a Christian home halfway around the world in the Philippines as a missionary kid. Jesus became my Savior when I was four years old and truly became my Lord during my freshman year in high school. A Bible study that year about the life, words, and ministry of Jesus became the catalyst for a desire to know Him more and surrender every area of my life to Him. The more I learn about God and His Word, the more I realize how little I know and how much I desperately need Him every moment. Graduation from high school brought me stateside. Ever since second grade, I desired to be a mom. I felt God leading me to pursue an education degree so I could love on whatever kiddos God placed in my path while waiting to see what God had planned for my life. I have learned so much and have met the sweetest people of all ages and stages through my time teaching in private schools, homeschool co-ops, and Classical Conversations. My two favorite students will forever be Nate and Josh. The biggest encouragement someone once told me was the description of life as a cross-stitch work of art. We only see the back side of the picture, where different colored threads and knots are everywhere, and it looks like a mess sometimes. God, however, sees the front of the masterpiece, and He lovingly stitches each tiny square, creating something beautiful out of things we may never fully see or understand this side of heaven. God loves us more than we could possibly imagine, and He is trustworthy in every corner of our lives.
What's something about you most people don't know?
I can form a clover leaf with my tongue– it was a hidden talent I knew nothing about until reading a Highlights magazine article in elementary school during library time.
What is your trademark expression?
Thank you Jesus!
Besides the Bible, what is something you'd recommend someone to read?
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis, anything by Max Lucado, and The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson- the ending makes me cry every time!
What are you most excited about?
I’m incredibly humbled and excited to begin this new chapter at RockPointe! I have a passion for supporting youth at all levels, making learning fun and inviting, ministering to families, encouraging women, and sharing the joy and love of Jesus. I cherish engaging conversations and getting to experience “aha” moments through the eyes of young people. God has been faithful through all the different seasons life has brought, and I know He will continue to be faithful. What a mighty God we serve!
What do you like to watch on TV?
Sports while multi-tasking, and some favorites include Andy Griffith, Duck Dynasty, and The Chosen.
What do you do in your free time?
Spend time with family and friends, go on walks, play card games, read, play ping pong or pickleball, put together or solve puzzles, and hold a baby whenever I can!