My Family:
I am married to my college sweetheart, Blake (May 1993). We have a daughter, Lauren (born in 2002), who is currently attending Baylor University. We have an “empty nest fur baby” named Kit 😉
My Story:
I was raised in a Christian home and came to know Christ as my personal Lord and Savior when I was about 7 years old. In my late twenties I joined a local, in-depth Bible study where my faith truly began to grow and deepen. God began transforming my heart through that study and the women who gathered with one common purpose of learning about God and supporting one another. I began serving through that ministry and would later be called to serve on staff at RockPointe. It is my deepest desire to provide an environment and resources that encourage others to experience the power of God’s Word, engage in biblical community, and strive to be more like Jesus every day.
Something Most People Don’t Know:
I was 100% tomboy until God blessed us with a baby girl. Now I’m 100% a girl mom 🙂
My Trademark Expression:
“that could be a t-shirt”
Besides the Bible, my recommended reading would be:
One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp (to learn to live with a heart of gratitude); The Blue Book by Jim Branch (an amazing daily guide for studying and applying scripture); Counterfeit Gods by Tim Keller (identifying our “false idols” and replacing with hope in Christ)
I’m most excited about:
Getting to see and experience God’s faithfulness as He continues to guide our RPC staff and church family.
My Favorite TV Shows:
British mysteries!
In my free time, I usually:
I love to sew and craft with my daughter, go to movies with Blake, spend time with friends, and anything that involves creating something meaningful.