My Family:
My family consists of my handsome husband Jerry (who I think looks even more handsome in a beard but he doesn’t like it) and our silly little boy Isaac. These two men, along with the Lord, have my heart.
My Story:
I grew up in the Catholic Church and though we were there every week, I didn’t have a relationship with the Lord. I feared Him, I prayed to Him but I didn’t know Him. In my late 20’s, I was searching for something but I didn’t know what it was. My search ended after two different cousins from opposite sides of the family and a co-worker all kept inviting me to church and it happened to be the same church. Clearly, the Lords hand was in it. I received the gift of salvation and have never looked back. The Lord has shown me so many different times where He’s placed believers in my path throughout my life. So many people had a hand in my coming to Christ.
Thankfully, my story isn’t over. God is good.
Something Most People Don’t Know:
When you ask me for prayer, I’ll most likely add you to my prayer list and pray for you on a weekly basis.
My Trademark Expression:
Let’s pray right now.
Besides the Bible, my recommended reading would be:
A Tale of Three Kings by Gene Edwards
I’m most excited about:
My spiritual growth and watching how my son matures not only as a little guy but as he learns more and more about the Lord.
My favorite TV shows:
I don’t really watch TV, but when I do it’s unusually something about history, crime solving on Netflix or something my son wants to watch.
In my free time, I usually:
I’m usually spending time with my family, meeting a friend for a bite or tea. I also enjoy reading when I have time.