About Your Family:
My wife, Chelsea, and I have been married since March 30, 2013 (Going to leave the date here for future reference). We have two whole-hearted, stubborn, and sweet kids Beau (Born in 2018) and Bella (2020).
What is Your Story?
Growing up I thought my purpose was to pursue happiness through succeeding in sports, having lots of friends, and having the freedom to do whatever I wanted. However, Jesus plucked me out of the abyss of trying to find hope without Him on May 5, 1998, when I heard the Gospel for the first time at a church service. From that point forward, life got harder, but Jesus and His people became sweeter. After moving around the Central and West Texas areas growing up, I ended up going to college at Dallas Baptist University and have been in the Dallas-area off and on since then. After serving on staff at a few different churches in the area and in Las Vegas, we are so thankful to have landed amongst the kind, passionate, and humble people of RockPointe. I desire to see the hope our men, women, teens, and children have in Christ spill out into the thirsty world around us.
What is something about you most people don't know?
I am a RELENTLESS bargain hunter.
What is your trademark expression?
Not counting my favorite phrases while dealing with traffic: “That’s what’s up!”
Besides the Bible, what would you recommend reading?
Road signs, IKEA instructions, Wikipedia, Dwell by Barry Jones, and lots of Tim Keller.
What are you most excited about?
The Dallas Cowboys winning the Super Bowl next year and to grow older with my wife and kids.
What do you like to watch on tv?
Sports, Documentaries, and Mystery/Thriller movies or TV shows.
What do you do in your free time?
We try to stay active and hang out with friends and family. I also enjoy trying to perfect a brisket or steak.